Nuclear expression of BAP-1 in transvitreal incisional biopsies and subsequent enucleation of eyes with posterior choroidal melanomaChristina Herrspiegel, Anders Kvanta, Emma Lardner, Louise Ramsköld Cabaca, Jill Wells, Katarina Bartuma, Stefan Seregard, Gustav Stålhammar
10 June 2020
Long-term effect of YAG laser iridotomy on corneal endothelium in primary angle closure suspects: a 72-month randomised controlled studyChimei Liao, Jian Zhang, Yuzhen Jiang, Shengsong Huang, Tin Aung, Paul J Foster, David Friedman, Mingguang He
19 May 2020
Intraocular leucocyte subpopulations analysis by multiparametric flow cytometry in human uveitisEster Carreño, Cristina Serrano, Nelida Muñoz, Fredeswinda Romero-Bueno, Olga Sánchez Pernaute, Nicolas Alejandre
18 May 2020
Clinical and laboratory characteristics of ocular syphilis and neurosyphilis among individuals with and without HIV infectionDony Mathew, Derrick Smit
27 March 2020
Ocular complications of cat scratch diseaseAlan Johnson
2 March 2020
Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis (TINU) syndrome: a reviewDavid Amaro, Ester Carreño, Laura R. Steeples, Filipa Oliveira-Ramos, Carlos Marques-Neves, Inês Leal
12 November 2019
Effect of trabeculectomy on corneal endothelial cell lossKazuyuki Hirooka, Eri Nitta, Kaori Ukegawa, Shino Sato, Yoshiaki Kiuchi
14 June 2019
Comparison of corneal densitometry between big-bubble and visco-bubble deep anterior lamellar keratoplastyVincenzo Scorcia, Valentina De Luca, Andrea Lucisano, Donatella Bruzzichessi, Marco Balestrieri, Mauro Soda, James Myerscough, Massimo Busin
8 June 2019
Comparison of changes in corneal endothelial cell density and central corneal thickness between conventional and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery: a randomised, controlled clinical trialDaliya Dzhaber, Osama Mustafa, Fares Alsaleh, Aleksandra Mihailovic, Yassine J Daoud
16 May 2019
Ocular involvement in epidermolysis bullosa acquisita with long-term follow-upAntoine Rousseau, Catherine Prost-Squarcioni, Serge Doan, Christelle Leroux-Villet, Frédéric Caux, Than Hoang-Xuan, Isabelle Cochereau, Eric Gabison
14 May 2019