Universal architecture of corneal segmental tomography biomarkers for artificial intelligence-driven diagnosis of early keratoconusGairik Kundu, Rohit Shetty, Pooja Khamar, Ritika Mullick, Sneha Gupta, Rudy Nuijts, Abhijit Sinha Roy
16 December 2021
Compression sutures combined with intracameral air injection versus thermokeratoplasty for acute corneal hydrops: a prospective-randomised trialZelin Zhao, Siteng Wu, Weina Ren, Qinxiang Zheng, Cong Ye, Andy D. Kim, Vishal Jhanji, Michael T. M. Wang, Wei Chen
25 November 2021
Pellucid marginal degeneration versus keratoconus: distinction with wide-field SD-OCT corneal sublayer pachymetryNiklas Mohr, Mehdi Shajari, Daniel Krause, Stefan Kassumeh, Jakob Siedlecki, Siegfried G Priglinger, Wolfgang J Mayer, Nikolaus Luft
25 November 2021
Progression of keratoconus in children and adolescentsJay J Meyer, Akilesh Gokul, Hans R Vellara, Charles N J McGhee
3 September 2021
Nationwide epidemiological approach to identify associations between keratoconus and immune-mediated diseasesJanneau L J Claessens, Daniel A Godefrooij, Gerko Vink, Laurence E Frank, Robert P L Wisse
20 April 2021
Predictors of progression in untreated keratoconus: a Save Sight Keratoconus Registry studyAlex Ferdi, Vuong Nguyen, Himal Kandel, Jeremy C K Tan, Francisco Arnalich-Montiel, Marco Abbondanza, Stephanie Watson
30 March 2021
Artificial intelligence for anterior segment diseases: Emerging applications in ophthalmologyDarren Shu Jeng Ting, Valencia HX Foo, Lily Wei Yun Yang, Josh Tjunrong Sia, Marcus Ang, Haotian Lin, James Chodosh, Jodhbir S Mehta, Daniel Shu Wei Ting
21 January 2021
Stromal peeling for deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty in post-penetrating keratoplasty eyesCristina Bovone, Yoav Nahum, Vincenzo Scorcia, Giuseppe Giannaccare, Rossella Spena, James Myerscough, Angeli Christy Yu, Massimo Busin
26 November 2020
Corneal tomographic changes during corneal rigid gas-permeable contact lens wear in keratoconic eyesShizuka Koh, Ryota Inoue, Naoyuki Maeda, Yoshinori Oie, Vishal Jhanji, Atsuya Miki, Kohji Nishida
10 November 2020
Ten-year outcomes of microkeratome-assisted lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconusAngeli Christy Yu, Elena Franco, Lorenzo Caruso, James Myerscough, Rossella Spena, Fiorella Fusco, Sergiu Socea, Cristina Bovone, Massimo Busin
3 October 2020