Normative value of hyperopia reserve and myopic shift in Chinese children and adolescents aged 3–16 yearsJingjing Wang, Ziyi Qi, Yanqing Feng, Jun Chen, Linlin Du, Jinliuxing Yang, Hui Xie, Jianfeng Zhu, Haidong Zou, Xiangui He, Xun Xu
14 September 2023
Efficacy and safety of hyperbaric oxygen therapy monitored by fluorescein angiography in patients with retinal artery occlusionJeremy Chiabo, Andreas Kauert, Barbara Casolla, Julie Contenti, Sacha Nahon-Esteve, Stephanie Baillif, Martel Arnaud
18 September 2023
Best practice in myopia control: insights and innovations for myopia prevention and control – a round table discussionYanxian Chen, Andreas Mueller, Ian Morgan, Frank Larkin, Yan Wang, Junwen Zeng, Mingguang He
10 May 2024
One-field, two-field and five-field handheld retinal imaging compared with standard seven-field Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study photography for diabetic retinopathy screeningRecivall P Salongcay, Cris Martin P Jacoba, Claude Michael G Salva, Abdulrahman Rageh, Lizzie Anne C Aquino, Aileen V Saunar, Glenn P Alog, Mohamed Ashraf, Tunde Peto, Paolo S Silva
24 April 2023
Myopic maculopathy among Chinese children with high myopia and its association with choroidal and retinal changes: the SCALE-HM studyJunjie Deng, Xian Xu, Chen-Wei Pan, Jingjing Wang, Mingguang He, Bo Zhang, Jinliuxing Yang, Xiao-Wen Hou, Zhuoting Zhu, Grace Borchert, Jun Chen, Tianyu Cheng, Suqing Yu, Ying Fan, Kun LiuSee the full list of authors
8 June 2023
At a glanceFrank Larkin
21 May 2024
Comparative assessment of subretinal hyper-reflective material in patients treated with brolucizumab versus aflibercept in HAWK and HARRIERSriniVas Sadda, David Sarraf, Arshad M Khanani, Ramin Tadayoni, Andrew A Chang, Insaf Saffar, Kinfemichael Gedif, David T Wong
5 September 2023
Prevalence of myopia among children and adolescents aged 6–16 during COVID-19 pandemic: a large-scale cross-sectional study in Tianjin, ChinaTongtong Li, Ruihua Wei, Bei Du, Qi Wu, Jing Yan, Xiangda Meng, Yuanyuan Liu, Qiang Yang, Chea-Su Kee, Guowei Huang, Hua Yan
6 July 2023
Pseudomyopia as an independent risk factor for myopia onset: a prospective cohort study among school-aged childrenWei Sun, Mingkun Yu, Jianfeng Wu, Xiaotong Han, Catherine Jan, Jike Song, Wenjun Jiang, Zihang Xu, Ziyun Wu, Jing Xu, Yuanyuan Hu, Hongsheng Bi
4 August 2023
Prediction of spectacle refraction uncertainties with discrete IOL power steps and manufacturing tolerances according to ISO using a Monte Carlo modelAchim Langenbucher, Nóra Szentmáry, Alan Cayless, Matthias Bolz, Peter Hoffmann, Jascha Wendelstein
26 July 2023