Optic nerve head vessel density in different stages of pseudoexfoliation diseaseMona Safizadeh, Amirreza Shaabani, Alireza Kamalipour, Masoud Aghsaei Fard, Kaileen Yeh, Mehdi Yaseri, Nikoo Hamzeh, Nassim Khatibi, Harsha Laxmana Rao, Robert Weinreb, Sasan Moghimi
27 November 2020
Association between esodeviation and primary open-angle glaucoma: the 2010–2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyJin-soo Kim, Young Kook Kim, Yong Woo Kim, Sung Uk Baek, Ahnul Ha, Jinho Lee, Haeng-Jin Lee, Dai Woo Kim, Jin Wook Jeoung, Seong-Joon Kim, Ki Ho Park
30 September 2020
Peripapillary vessel parameters and mean ocular perfusion pressure in young healthy eyes: OCT angiography studyYoung In Yun, Yong Woo Kim, Hyung Bin Lim, Dong Hyun Lee, Ji Hong Kim, Baek-Lok Oh, Jin Wook Jeoung, Ki Ho Park
23 July 2020
Diagnostic validity of optic nerve head colorimetric assessment and optical coherence tomography angiography in patients with glaucomaCarmen Mendez-Hernandez, Surina Wang, Paula Arribas-Pardo, Liseth Salazar-Quiñones, Noemi Güemes-Villahoz, Cristina Fernandez-Perez, Julian Garcia-Feijoo
23 July 2020
Thinner retinal nerve fibre layer in young adults with foetal alcohol spectrum disordersEmelie Gyllencreutz, Eva Aring, Valdemar Landgren, Magnus Landgren, Marita Andersson Gronlund
3 July 2020
Efficacy and safety of selective laser trabeculoplasty and pattern scanning laser trabeculoplasty: a randomised clinical trialMandy Oi Man Wong, Isabel SW Lai, Poemen Puiman Chan, Noel CY Chan, Alison YY Chan, Gilda WK Lai, Vivian SM Chiu, Christopher Kai-Shun Leung
30 June 2020
SD-OCT peripapillary nerve fibre layer and ganglion cell complex parameters in glaucoma: principal component analysisMarta Pazos, Marc Biarnés, Andrés Blasco-Alberto, Agnieszka Dyrda, Miguel Ángel Luque-Fernández, Alicia Gómez, Clara Mora, Elena Milla, MªJesús Muniesa, Alfonso Antón, Valentín Tinguaro Díaz-Alemán
3 June 2020
Morphological characteristics of parapapillary atrophy and subsequent visual field progression in primary open-angle glaucomaAhnul Ha, Yong Woo Kim, Jinho Lee, Eunoo Bak, Young Soo Han, Young Kook Kim, Ki Ho Park, Jin Wook Jeoung
28 April 2020
Optic disc haemorrhage and primary open-angle glaucoma: a clinical reviewUma Jasty, Alon Harris, Brent Siesky, Lucas W Rowe, Alice C Verticchio Vercellin, Sunu Mathew, Louis R Pasquale
18 February 2020
Glaucoma in the Northern Ireland Cohort for the Longitudinal Study of Ageing (NICOLA): cohort profile, prevalence, awareness and associationsPaul McCann, Ruth Hogg, David M Wright, Sara Pose-Bazarra, Usha Chakravarthy, Tunde Peto, Sharon Cruise, Bernardette McGuinness, Ian S Young, Frank Kee, Augusto Azuara-Blanco
7 February 2020