Parafoveal atrophy after human amniotic membrane graft for macular hole in patients with high myopiaDer-Chong Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Shih-Jen Chen
31 July 2020
Analysis of choriocapillaris perfusion and choroidal layer changes in patients with chronic central serous chorioretinopathy randomised to micropulse laser or photodynamic therapyMary Ho, Frank Hiu Ping Lai, Danny Siu Chun Ng, Lawrence Pui Leung Iu, Li Jia Chen, Andrew Chun Yue Mak, Yolanda Yip, Carol Cheung, Alvin Lerrmann Young, Marten Brelen
12 June 2020
Automated diagnoses of age-related macular degeneration and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy using bi-modal deep convolutional neural networksZhiyan Xu, Weisen Wang, Jingyuan Yang, Jianchun Zhao, Dayong Ding, Feng He, Di Chen, Zhikun Yang, Xirong Li, Weihong Yu, Youxin Chen
4 June 2020
Henle fibre layer haemorrhage: clinical features and pathogenesisCaroline R Baumal, David Sarraf, Tara Bryant, Wei Gui, Nora Muakkassa, Francesco Pichi, Giuseppe Querques, Netan Choudhry, Mehmet Yasin Teke, Andrea Govetto, Alessandro Invernizzi, Dean Eliott, Alain Gaudric, Eduardo Cunha de Souza, Jonathan NaysanSee the full list of authors
6 May 2020
Prediction of OCT images of short-term response to anti-VEGF treatment for neovascular age-related macular degeneration using generative adversarial networkYutong Liu, Jingyuan Yang, Yang Zhou, Weisen Wang, Jianchun Zhao, Weihong Yu, Dingding Zhang, Dayong Ding, Xirong Li, Youxin Chen
26 March 2020
Widefield optical coherence tomography angiography for early detection and objective evaluation of proliferative diabetic retinopathyHagar Khalid, Roy Schwartz, Luke Nicholson, Josef Huemer, Mohamed Hosny El-Bradey, Dawn A Sim, Praveen J Patel, Konstantinos Balaskas, Robin D Hamilton, Pearse A Keane, Ranjan Rajendram
19 March 2020
RAP study, report 1: novel subtype of macular neovascularisation type III, cilioretinal MNV3Bilal Haj Najeeb, Gabor G Deak, Ursula Margarethe Schmidt-Erfurth, Bianca S Gerendas
11 March 2020
Optical coherence tomography-based consensus definition for lamellar macular holeJean Pierre Hubschman, Andrea Govetto, Richard F Spaide, Ricarda Schumann, David Steel, Marta S Figueroa, Jerry Sebag, Alain Gaudric, Giovanni Staurenghi, Christos Haritoglou, Kazuaki Kadonosono, John T Thompson, Stanley Chang, Ferdinando Bottoni, Ramin Tadayoni
27 February 2020
Effect of partial posterior vitreous detachment on spectral-domain optical coherence tomography retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measurementsYao Liu, Neda Baniasadi, Kitiya Ratanawongphaibul, Teresa C Chen
12 February 2020
Comparison of OCT angiography in children with a history of intravitreal injection of ranibizumab versus laser photocoagulation for retinopathy of prematurityJinfeng Zhao, Zhenquan Wu, Waiching Lam, Mingmin Yang, Lu Chen, Lei Zheng, Fuyan Zhang, Jian Zeng, Jiantao Wang, Guoming Zhang
12 February 2020