Poppers: legal highs with questionable contents? A case series of poppers maculopathyRebecca Rewbury, Edward Hughes, Robert Purbrick, Stephen Prior, Mark Baron
10 April 2017
Eye hazards of laser ‘pointers’ in perspectiveJohn Marshall, John B O'Hagan, John R Tyrer
19 April 2016
Prevalence and risk factors of dry eye disease in a British female cohortJelle Vehof, Diana Kozareva, Pirro G Hysi, Christopher J Hammond
3 September 2014
The collagen matrix of the human trabecular meshwork is an extension of the novel pre-Descemet's layer (Dua's layer)Harminder S Dua, Lana A Faraj, Matthew J Branch, Aaron M Yeung, Mohamed S Elalfy, Dalia G Said, Trevor Gray, James Lowe
16 February 2014
Prevalence and causes of vision loss in high-income countries and in Eastern and Central Europe: 1990–2010Rupert R A Bourne, Jost B Jonas, Seth R Flaxman, Jill Keeffe, Janet Leasher, Kovin Naidoo, Maurizio B Parodi, Konrad Pesudovs, Holly Price, Richard A White, Tien Y Wong, Serge Resnikoff, Hugh R Taylor, on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study
24 March 2014
Time trends over five decades, and recent geographical variation, in rates of childhood squint surgery in EnglandMunazzah R Chou, Aeesha N J Malik, Mehrunisha Suleman, Muir Gray, David Yeates, Michael J Goldacre
10 April 2013
Self-enucleation: forget Freud and Oedipus, it's all about untreated psychosisMatthew Michael Large, Olav B Nielssen
28 February 2012
The number of ophthalmologists in practice and training worldwide: a growing gap despite more than 200 000 practitionersSerge Resnikoff, William Felch, Tina-Marie Gauthier, Bruce Spivey
26 March 2012
The estimated prevalence and incidence of late stage age related macular degeneration in the UKChristopher G Owen, Zakariya Jarrar, Richard Wormald, Derek G Cook, Astrid E Fletcher, Alicja R Rudnicka
13 February 2012
Anatomical and functional impairment of the retina and optic nerve in patients with anorexia nervosa without vision lossMarilita M Moschos, Fragiskos Gonidakis, Eleftheria Varsou, Ioannis Markopoulos, Alexandros Rouvas, Ioannis Ladas, George N Papadimitriou
19 October 2010