What can anisometropia tell us about eye growth?Ian Flitcroft, Sara Mccullough, Kathryn Saunders
27 August 2020
Refractive change in children with accommodative esotropiaLucas Bonafede, Lloyd Bender, James Shaffer, Gui-shuang Ying, Gil Binenbaum
25 August 2020
Prevalence of myopic maculopathy in the German population: results from the Gutenberg health studySusanne Hopf, Christina Korb, Stefan Nickels, Andreas Schulz, Thomas Münzel, Philipp S Wild, Matthias Michal, Irene Schmidtmann, Karl J Lackner, Norbert Pfeiffer, Alexander K Schuster
25 August 2020
Prevalence, incidence and risk factors of strabismus in a Chinese population-based cohort of preschool children: the Nanjing Eye StudyDanni Chen, Rui Li, Xiaoxiao Li, Dan Huang, Yue Wang, Xiaoyan Zhao, Xiaohan Zhang, Qigang Sun, Qingfeng Hao, Haohai Tong, Xinyuan Yao, Weixiao Fan, Weijing Lu, Jingsong Dang, Hui ZhuSee the full list of authors
22 August 2020
Highlights from the 2019 International Myopia Summit on ‘controversies in myopia’Chee Wai Wong, Li Lian Foo, Priya Morjaria, Ian Morgan, Andreas Mueller, Amanda Davis, Drew Keys, Mingguang He, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Jian Feng Zhu, Peter Hendicott, Donald Tan, Seang-Mei Saw, Ching Yu Cheng, Ecosse Luc LamoureuxSee the full list of authors
18 August 2020
Impact of spectacles wear on uncorrected visual acuity among urban migrant primary school children in China: a cluster-randomised clinical trialXinwu Zhang, Ming Zhou, Xiaochen Ma, Hongmei Yi, Haiqing Zhang, Xiuqin Wang, Ling Jin, Kovin Naidoo, Hasan Minto, Haidong Zou, Scott Rozelle, Nathan Congdon, Yue Ma
29 July 2020
Characteristics of myopic traction maculopathy in myopic Singaporean adultsSaiko Matsumura, Charumathi Sabanayagam, Chee Wai Wong, Chuen-Seng Tan, Anthony Kuo, Yee Ling Wong, Kyoko Ohno-Matsui, Tien Yin Wong, Ching-Yu Cheng, Quan V Hoang, Seang Mei Saw
23 May 2020
Factors affecting the diagnostic performance of circumpapillary retinal nerve fibre layer measurement in glaucomaDamon Wong, Jacqueline Chua, Mani Baskaran, Bingyao Tan, Xinwen Yao, Samuel Chan, Yih Chung Tham, Rachel Chong, Tin Aung, Ecosse Luc Lamoureux, Eranga N Vithana, Ching Yu Cheng, Leopold Schmetterer
5 May 2020
Prevalence and causes of vision loss in sub-Saharan Africa in 2015: magnitude, temporal trends and projectionsKovin Naidoo, John H Kempen, Stephen Gichuhi, Tasanee Braithwaite, Robert J Casson, Maria Vittoria Cicinelli, Aditi Das, Seth R Flaxman, Jost B Jonas, Jill Elizabeth Keeffe, Janet Leasher, Hans Limburg, Konrad Pesudovs, Serge Resnikoff, Alexander J SilvesterSee the full list of authors
30 March 2020
Review: Myopia control strategies recommendations from the 2018 WHO/IAPB/BHVI Meeting on MyopiaMarcus Ang, Judith L Flanagan, Chee Wai Wong, Andreas Müller, Amanda Davis, Drew Keys, Serge Resnikoff, Monica Jong, Tien Yin Wong, Padmaja Sankaridurg
26 February 2020