Outcomes of ultrathin Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (UT-DSAEK) performed in eyes with failure of primary Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK)Shmuel Graffi, Pia Leon, Yoav Nahum, Shay Gutfreund, Rossella Spena, Leila Mattioli, Massimo Busin
29 May 2018
Posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation: comparative, multicentre study in 351 eyes with low-to-moderate or high myopiaKazutaka Kamiya, Kimiya Shimizu, Akihito Igarashi, Yoshihiro Kitazawa, Takashi Kojima, Tomoaki Nakamura, Yoshitaka Oka, Rei Matsumoto
20 January 2018
A retrospective study on the incidence of post-cataract surgery Descemet’s membrane detachment and outcome of air descemetopexyAnnamalai Odayappan, Narayana Shivananda, Seema Ramakrishnan, Tiruvengada Krishnan, Sivagami Nachiappan, Smitha Krishnamurthy
20 January 2018