RAP study, report 1: novel subtype of macular neovascularisation type III, cilioretinal MNV3Bilal Haj Najeeb, Gabor G Deak, Ursula Margarethe Schmidt-Erfurth, Bianca S Gerendas
11 March 2020
Ocular complications of cat scratch diseaseAlan Johnson
2 March 2020
Relation between retinal vessel diameter and posterior segment optical coherence tomography variables in middle-aged Caucasians: the Northern Finland Birth Cohort Eye StudyMohamed I Geneid, Janne J Uusitalo, Ilmari L Leiviskä, Ville O Saarela, M Johanna Liinamaa
20 January 2020
OCTA characterisation of microvascular retinal alterations in patients with central serous chorioretinopathyMarco Battista, Enrico Borrelli, Mariacristina Parravano, Francesco Gelormini, Massimiliano Tedeschi, Daniele De Geronimo, Riccardo Sacconi, Lea Querques, Francesco Bandello, Giuseppe Querques
16 January 2020
Higher aqueous levels of matrix metalloproteinases indicated visual impairment in patients with retina vein occlusion after anti-VEGF therapyYong Luo, Jianbo Wan, Chang Luo, HengWei Liu, YuFan Zhou, Heping Xu, Zhongping Chen
16 December 2019
Effects of three intravitreal injections of aflibercept on the ocular circulation in eyes with age-related maculopathyAnna Sophie Mursch-Edlmayr, Nikolaus Luft, Dominika Podkowinski, Michael Ring, Leopold Schmetterer, Matthias Bolz
12 December 2019
Correlation between reduction in macular vessel density and frequency of intravitreal ranibizumab for macular oedema in eyes with branch retinal vein occlusionTaiji Hasegawa, Sakura Murakawa, Ichiro Maruko, Akiko Kogure-Katakura, Tomohiro Iida
13 December 2018
Neuroretinal atrophy following resolution of macular oedema in retinal vein occlusionDominika Podkowinski, Ana-Maria Philip, Wolf-Dieter Vogl, Jutta Gamper, Hrvoje Bogunovic, Bianca S Gerendas, Bilal Haj Najeeb, Sebastian M Waldstein, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth
13 December 2018
Baseline choroidal thickness as a short-term predictor of visual acuity improvement following antivascular endothelial growth factor therapy in branch retinal vein occlusionNadim Rayess, Ehsan Rahimy, Gui-Shuang Ying, Maria Pefkianaki, Jason Franklin, Carl D Regillo, Allen C Ho, Jason Hsu
13 December 2018
Intraocular pressure change after injection of intravitreal dexamethasone (Ozurdex) implant in Korean patientsWungrak Choi, Sung Eun Park, Hyun Goo Kang, Suk Ho Byeon, Sung Soo Kim, Hyoung Jun Koh, Sungchul Lee, Gong Je Seong, Chan Yun Kim, Min Kim
6 December 2018