Long-term reproducibility of optical coherence tomography angiography in healthy and stable glaucomatous eyesTakashi Nishida, Sasan Moghimi, Huiyuan Hou, James A Proudfoot, Aimee C Chang, Ryan Caezar C David, Alireza Kamalipour, Nevin El-Nimri, Jasmin Rezapour, Christopher Bowd, Linda M Zangwill, Robert N Weinreb
21 December 2021
Macular and submacular choroidal microvasculature in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and high myopiaFengbin Lin, Zhen Qiu, Fei Li, Yu Chen, Yuying Peng, Meiling Chen, Yunhe Song, Jian Xiong, Weijing Cheng, Yuhong Liu, Mingkui Tan, Xiulan Zhang, Robert Weinreb
10 December 2021
Quantification of vascular and neuronal changes in the peripapillary retinal area secondary to diabetic retinopathyLuisa Frizziero, Raffaele Parrozzani, Davide Londei, Elisabetta Pilotto, Edoardo Midena
21 October 2021
Scotopic microperimetric sensitivity and inner choroid flow deficits as predictors of progression to nascent geographic atrophyGiulia Corradetti, Liran Tiosano, Marco Nassisi, Ahmed Roshdy Alagorie, Federico Corvi, Muneeswar Gupta Nittala, SriniVas Sadda
21 October 2021
Deep learning-based signal-independent assessment of macular avascular area on 6×6 mm optical coherence tomography angiogram in diabetic retinopathy: a comparison to instrument-embedded softwareHonglian Xiong, Qi Sheng You, Yukun Guo, Jie Wang, Bingjie Wang, Liqin Gao, Christina J Flaxel, Steven T Bailey, Thomas S Hwang, Yali Jia
13 September 2021
Development and validation of a deep learning system to classify aetiology and predict anatomical outcomes of macular holeYu Xiao, Yijun Hu, Wuxiu Quan, Yahan Yang, Weiyi Lai, Xun Wang, Xiayin Zhang, Bin Zhang, Yuqing Wu, Qiaowei Wu, Baoyi Liu, Xiaomin Zeng, Zhanjie Lin, Ying Fang, Yu HuSee the full list of authors
4 August 2021
Role of anterior segment optical coherence tomography angiography in assessing limbal vasculature in acute chemical injury of the eyeMarcus Ang, Valencia Foo, Mengyuan Ke, Bingyao Tan, Louis Tong, Leopold Schmetterer, Jodbhir S Mehta
30 March 2021
Choroidal luminal and stromal areas and choriocapillaris perfusion are characterised by a non-linear quadratic relation in healthy eyesEnrico Borrelli, Maria Cristina Gabela, Riccardo Sacconi, Lea Querques, Giovanna Vella, Biancamaria Zuccaro, Francesco Gelormini, Francesco Bandello, Giuseppe Querques
22 March 2021
Three-year OCT predictive factors of disease recurrence in eyes with successfully treated myopic choroidal neovascularisationEnrico Borrelli, Marco Battista, Giovanna Vella, Riccardo Sacconi, Lea Querques, Domenico Grosso, Francesco Bandello, Giuseppe Querques
10 March 2021
Incidence and phenotypical variation of outer retina-associated hyperreflectivity in macular telangiectasia type 2Stefanie Mueller, Frederic Gunnemann, Kai Rothaus, Marius Book, Henrik Faatz, Alan Bird, Daniel Pauleikhoff
7 January 2021