Artificial intelligence for anterior segment diseases: Emerging applications in ophthalmologyDarren Shu Jeng Ting, Valencia HX Foo, Lily Wei Yun Yang, Josh Tjunrong Sia, Marcus Ang, Haotian Lin, James Chodosh, Jodhbir S Mehta, Daniel Shu Wei Ting
21 January 2021
Graft detachments in endothelial keratoplastyRashmi Deshmukh, Sridevi Nair, Darren Shu Jeng Ting, Tushar Agarwal, Jacqueline Beltz, Rasik B Vajpayee
4 January 2021
Anterior chamber depth, lens thickness and intraocular lens calculation formula accuracy: nine formulas comparisonDiogo Hipólito-Fernandes, Maria Elisa Luís, Rita Serras-Pereira, Pedro Gil, Vitor Maduro, João Feijão, Nuno Alves
23 November 2020
Eye bank versus surgeon prepared DMEK tissues: influence on adhesion and re-bubbling rateVito Romano, Ahmed Kazaili, Luca Pagano, Kunal Ajit Gadhvi, Mitchell Titley, Bernhard Steger, Luis Fernández-Vega-Cueto, Alvaro Meana, Jesus Merayo-Lloves, Ponzin Diego, Riaz Akhtar, Hannah J Levis, Stefano Ferrari, Stephen B Kaye, Mohit Parekh
30 October 2020
Endothelial keratoplasty with anterior chamber intraocular lens versus secondary posterior chamber intraocular lensJyh Haur Woo, Anshu Arundhati, Soon-Phaik Chee, Weihan Tong, Lim Li, Seng-Ei Ti, Hla M Htoon, Jessica Qian Hui Choo, Donald Tan, Jodhbir S Mehta
28 October 2020
One-year outcomes of stand-alone ab externo SIBS microshunt implantation in refractory glaucomaGeorges M Durr, Matthew B Schlenker, Saba Samet, Iqbal Ike K Ahmed
23 October 2020
Deep learning algorithms to isolate and quantify the structures of the anterior segment in optical coherence tomography imagesTan Hung Pham, Sripad Krishna Devalla, Aloysius Ang, Zhi-Da Soh, Alexandre H Thiery, Craig Boote, Ching-Yu Cheng, Michael J A Girard, Victor Koh
26 September 2020
Survival of the fittest: phacoemulsification outcomes in four corneal transplants by Dr Ramon CastroviejoJovany Jeomar Franco, Jose Luis Reyes Luis, Salma Rahim, Stephen Greenstein, Roberto Pineda
28 August 2020
Influence of graft thickness and regularity on vision recovery after endothelial keratoplastyMoïse Tourabaly, Yaïr Chetrit, Julien Provost, Cristina Georgeon, Sofiène Kallel, Cyril Temstet, Nacim Bouheraoua, Vincent Borderie
25 August 2020
Mechanism of fluid leak in non-traumatic corneal perforations: an anterior segment optical coherence tomography studyAmna AlMaazmi, Dalia G Said, Marco Messina, Ahmed AlSaadi, Harminder Singh Dua
25 August 2020