Chronic ocular hypertension in rabbits induced by limbal bucklingQilin Wang, Juanjuan Wang, Xingyan Lin, Kwok Ho Lui, Suiting Chang, Rouxi Zhou, Dennis Shun-Chiu Lam
13 December 2018
Surgical management of acquired implantation iris cysts: indications, surgical challenges and outcomesSwapna S Shanbhag, Muralidhar Ramappa, Sunita Chaurasia, Somasheila I Murthy
22 October 2018
Quarter-Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (Quarter-DMEK) for Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy: 6 months clinical outcomeVasiliki Zygoura, Lamis Baydoun, Lisanne Ham, Vincent J A Bourgonje, Korine van Dijk, Jessica T Lie, Isabel Dapena, Silke Oellerich, Gerrit R J Melles
22 September 2018
What have we learned about exfoliation syndrome since its discovery by John Lindberg 100 years ago?Samir Nazarali, Faraz Damji, Karim F Damji
22 September 2018
‘Van Herick Plus’: a modified grading scheme for the assessment of peripheral anterior chamber depth and angleRamanjit Sihota, Neha Kamble, Ajay K Sharma, Anju Bhari, Amisha Gupta, Neha Midha, Harathy Selvan, Tanuj Dada, Viney Gupta, Ravindra M Pandey
1 August 2018
Outcomes of ultrathin Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (UT-DSAEK) performed in eyes with failure of primary Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK)Shmuel Graffi, Pia Leon, Yoav Nahum, Shay Gutfreund, Rossella Spena, Leila Mattioli, Massimo Busin
29 May 2018
Ten-year incidence of primary angle closure in elderly Chinese: the Liwan Eye StudyLanhua Wang, Wenyong Huang, Shengsong Huang, Jian Zhang, Xinxing Guo, David S Friedman, Paul J Foster, Mingguang He
18 May 2018
Comparison of preservation and transportation protocols for preloaded Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplastyVito Romano, Mohit Parekh, Alessandro Ruzza, Colin E Willoughby, Stefano Ferrari, Diego Ponzin, Stephen B Kaye, Hannah J Levis
22 March 2018
A retrospective study on the incidence of post-cataract surgery Descemet’s membrane detachment and outcome of air descemetopexyAnnamalai Odayappan, Narayana Shivananda, Seema Ramakrishnan, Tiruvengada Krishnan, Sivagami Nachiappan, Smitha Krishnamurthy
20 January 2018