One-field, two-field and five-field handheld retinal imaging compared with standard seven-field Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study photography for diabetic retinopathy screeningRecivall P Salongcay, Cris Martin P Jacoba, Claude Michael G Salva, Abdulrahman Rageh, Lizzie Anne C Aquino, Aileen V Saunar, Glenn P Alog, Mohamed Ashraf, Tunde Peto, Paolo S Silva
21 May 2024
Effect of socioeconomic deprivation as determined by the English deprivation deciles on the progression of diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy: a multivariate case–control analysis of 88 910 patients attending a South-East London diabetic eye screening servicePeriklis Giannakis, Paul Nderitu, Joan M Nunez do Rio, Laura Webster, Samantha Mann, David Hopkins, Manuel Jorge Cardoso, Marc Modat, Christos Bergeles, Timothy L Jackson
21 May 2024
At a glanceFrank Larkin
21 May 2024
Conversion to faricimab after prior anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy for persistent diabetic macular oedemaAsad Farooq Durrani, Bita Momenaei, Taku Wakabayashi, Sudheshna Vemula, Saagar A Pandit, Jason Hsu, Allen C Ho, Marc J Spirn, Michael A Klufas, Sunir J Garg, James F Vander, Carl D Regillo, Allen Chiang, Ajay E Kuriyan, Yoshihiro Yonekawa
12 February 2024
Heterogeneity in disease activity, frequency of treatments, and visual outcomes among patients with retinal vein occlusion: relationship between injection need and vision with as-needed ranibizumabRobert B Bhisitkul, Peter A Campochiaro, Steven Blotner, Carlos Quezada-Ruiz, Mimi Liu, Zdenka Haskova
30 January 2024
Two-year recall for people with no diabetic retinopathy: a multi-ethnic population-based retrospective cohort study using real-world data to quantify the effectAbraham Olvera-Barrios, Alicja R Rudnicka, John Anderson, Louis Bolter, Ryan Chambers, Alasdair N Warwick, Roshan Welikala, Jiri Fajtl, Sarah Barman, Paolo Remgnino, Yue Wu, Aaron Y Lee, Emily Y Chew, Frederick L Ferris, Aroon HingoraniSee the full list of authors
24 October 2023
Comparative study of widefield swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography in eyes with concomitant age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathyMatthew Finn, Grace Baldwin, Itika Garg, Hannah E Wescott, Thomas Koch, Filippos Vingopoulos, Rebecca Zeng, Hanna Choi, Diane Sayah, Deeba Husain, Nimesh A Patel, Leo A Kim, Joan W Miller, David M Wu, Demetrios G VavvasSee the full list of authors
16 October 2023
Deep learning detection of diabetic retinopathy in Scotland’s diabetic eye screening programmeAlan D Fleming, Joseph Mellor, Stuart J McGurnaghan, Luke A K Blackbourn, Keith A Goatman, Caroline Styles, Amos J Storkey, Paul M McKeigue, Helen M Colhoun
13 September 2023
Choriocapillaris flow deficit and the risk of referable diabetic retinopathy: a longitudinal SS-OCTA studyWei Wang, Weijing Cheng, Shaopeng Yang, Yifan Chen, Zhuoting Zhu, Wenyong Huang
21 August 2023
Feasibility and acceptance of artificial intelligence-based diabetic retinopathy screening in RwandaNoelle Whitestone, John Nkurikiye, Jennifer L Patnaik, Nicolas Jaccard, Gabriella Lanouette, David H Cherwek, Nathan Congdon, Wanjiku Mathenge
4 August 2023