Disparity of microaneurysm count between ultrawide field colour imaging and ultrawide field fluorescein angiography in eyes with diabetic retinopathyMohamed Ashraf, Konstantina Sampani, Omar AbdelAl, Alan Fleming, Jerry Cavallerano, Ahmed Souka, Samir Mohamed El Baha, Paolo S Silva, Jennifer Sun, Lloyd Paul Aiello
28 February 2020
Identifying central serous chorioretinopathy biomarkers in coexisting diabetic retinopathy: a multimodal imaging studyDeven Sushil Dhurandhar, Sumit Randhir Singh, Niroj Kumar Sahoo, Abhilash Goud, Marco Lupidi, Jay Chhablani
28 September 2019
Disproportion of lamellar capillary non-perfusion in proliferative diabetic retinopathy on optical coherence tomography angiographyDaiki Uchitomi, Tomoaki Murakami, Yoko Dodo, Shota Yasukura, Kazuya Morino, Akihito Uji, Tatsuya Yoshitake, Masahiro Fujimoto, Akitaka Tsujikawa
13 September 2019
Anatomical and functional outcomes following switching from aflibercept to ranibizumab in neovascular age-related macular degeneration in Europe: SAFARI studyRichard P Gale, Ian Pearce, Nicole Eter, Faruque Ghanchi, Frank G Holz, Steffen Schmitz-Valckenberg, Konstantinos Balaskas, Ben J L Burton, Susan M Downes, Haralabos Eleftheriadis, Sheena George, David Gilmour, Robin Hamilton, Andrew J Lotery, Nishal PatelSee the full list of authors
5 August 2019
Implementation of a cloud-based referral platform in ophthalmology: making telemedicine services a reality in eye careChristoph Kern, Dun Jack Fu, Karsten Kortuem, Josef Huemer, David Barker, Alison Davis, Konstantinos Balaskas, Pearse A Keane, Tom McKinnon, Dawn A Sim
18 July 2019
Ophthalmic statistics note 13: method agreement studies in ophthalmology—please don’t carry on correlating…Catey Bunce, Irene M Stratton, Andrew Elders, Gabriela Czanner, Caroline Doré, Nick Freemantle, Jonathan Cook, Valentina Cipriani, David Crabb, Phillipa Cumberland, Paul Donachie, Marta Garcia-Finana, Ana Quartilho, Chris Rogers, Simon SkeneSee the full list of authors
18 July 2019
Simulating vascular leakage on optical coherence tomography angiography using an overlay technique with corresponding thickness mapsTalisa E de Carlo, Sarwar Zahid, Kelley J Bohm, R V Paul Chan, Jennifer I Lim, William F Mieler
5 July 2019
Alteration of choroidal vascular structure in diabetic retinopathySatoru Kase, Hiroaki Endo, Mitsuo Takahashi, Michiyuki Saito, Masahiko Yokoi, Yuki Ito, Satoshi Katsuta, Shozo Sonoda, Taiji Sakamoto, Susumu Ishida, Manabu Kase
8 June 2019
Validation of a novel diabetic retinopathy utility index using discrete choice experimentsEva K Fenwick, Nick Bansback, Alfred Tau Liang Gan, Julie Ratcliffe, Leonie Burgess, Tien Yin Wong, Ecosse Luc Lamoureux
16 May 2019
Analysis of quantitative correlations between microaneurysm, ischaemic index and new vessels in ultrawide-field fluorescein angiography images using automated softwareGisung Son, Yoon Jeon Kim, Yu Sub Sung, Bumwoo Park, June-Gone Kim
14 March 2019