Cataract progression after Nd:YAG laser iridotomy in primary angle-closure suspect eyesDolly Shuo-Teh Chang, Yuzhen Jiang, Julia Anne Kim, Shengsong Huang, Beatriz Munoz, Tin Aung, Mingguang He, Paul J Foster, David Friedman
2 May 2022
Changes in glaucoma management following visual field testing and optical coherence tomographyMichelle T. Sun, Kuldev Singh, Sophia Y. Wang
21 April 2022
Measurement of intraocular temperature in glaucoma: week-day and seasonal fluctuationsKaweh Mansouri, Kevin Gillmann, Harsha Laxmana Rao, Peter Szurman, Robert N Weinreb, Arno Haus, Eugen Reifschneider, Annekatrin Rickmann, Philip Wakili, Caroline Emmerich, Caroline Hoogmartens, Kristina Lambert, Kai Januschowski, Matthias Elling, Tim SchultzSee the full list of authors
20 April 2022
One-year surgical outcomes of the PreserFlo MicroShunt in glaucoma: a multicentre analysisAlexander Tanner, Fadi Haddad, Julia Fajardo-Sanchez, Ethan Nguyen, Kai Xin Thong, Sarah Ah-Moye, Nicole Perl, Mohammed Abu-Bakra, Avinash Kulkarni, Sameer Trikha, Gerassimos Lascaratos, Miles Parnell, Obeda Kailani, Anthony J King, Pavi AgrawalSee the full list of authors
1 April 2022
Background polygenic risk modulates the association between glaucoma and cardiopulmonary diseases and measures: an analysis from the UK BiobankAjay Kolli, Sayuri Sekimitsu, Jiali Wang, Ayellet Segre, David Friedman, Tobias Elze, Louis R Pasquale, Janey Wiggs, Nazlee Zebardast
31 March 2022
Comparison of the structure–function relationship between compass microperimetry and Humphrey field analyser in myopic open-angle glaucoma eyesJoong Won Shin, Min Kyung Song, Hun Jae Won, Younhye Jo, Michael S Kook
22 March 2022
Clinical outcomes of penetrating canaloplasty in patients with traumatic angle recession glaucoma: a prospective interventional case seriesHuanhuan Cheng, Wenqing Ye, Shaodan Zhang, Yanqian Xie, Juan Gu, Rongrong Le, Yuxuan Deng, Cheng Hu, Zhenquan Zhao, Zhisheng Ke, Yuanbo Liang
22 March 2022
Telemetric non-contact intraocular pressure monitoring with an implanted sensor in patients with glaucoma: long-term safety report and monitoring dataIlka Schmidt, Niklas Plange, Peter Walter, Antonis Koutsonas
21 March 2022
Relationship between macular intercapillary area measured by optical coherence tomography angiography and central visual field sensitivity in normal tension glaucomaRuyue Shen, Yu Meng Wang, Carol Y Cheung, Fang Yao Tang, Alexander Lam, Clement C Tham, Poemen PuiMan Chan
2 February 2022
Correlation of ganglion cell complex thinning with baseline deep and superficial macular vessel density in glaucomaJo-Hsuan Wu, Sasan Moghimi, Takashi Nishida, James A Proudfoot, Alireza Kamalipour, Linda M Zangwill, Robert N Weinreb
31 January 2022