Intraocular pressure and diurnal fluctuation of open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension: a baseline report from the LiGHT China trial cohortYangfan Yang, Xinyi Zhang, Zidong Chen, Yifan Wei, Qiaona Ye, Yanmei Fan, Neil Nathwani, Gus Gazzard, Minbin Yu, Mingkai Lin, Xing Liu, Xiulan Zhang, Jian Ge, Jingjing Huang, Yunlan LingSee the full list of authors
27 January 2022
Relationship of macular ganglion cell complex thickness to choroidal microvasculature drop-out in primary open-angle glaucomaEleonora Micheletti, Sasan Moghimi, Nevin El-Nimri, Takashi Nishida, Min Hee Suh, James A Proudfoot, Alireza Kamalipour, Linda M Zangwill, Robert N Weinreb
13 January 2022
Serum complement component 3, complement component 4 and complement component 1q levels predict progressive visual field loss in older women with primary angle closure glaucomaShengjie Li, Yichao Qiu, Jian Yu, Mingxi Shao, Yingzhu Li, Wenjun Cao, Xinghuai Sun
11 January 2022
Long-term reproducibility of optical coherence tomography angiography in healthy and stable glaucomatous eyesTakashi Nishida, Sasan Moghimi, Huiyuan Hou, James A Proudfoot, Aimee C Chang, Ryan Caezar C David, Alireza Kamalipour, Nevin El-Nimri, Jasmin Rezapour, Christopher Bowd, Linda M Zangwill, Robert N Weinreb
21 December 2021
Gonioscopy-assisted transluminal trabeculotomy is an effective surgical treatment for uveitic glaucomaAvner Belkin, Yuri Valere Chaban, Derek Waldner, Saba Samet, Iqbal Ike K Ahmed, Patrick Gooi, Matthew B Schlenker
20 December 2021
Macular and submacular choroidal microvasculature in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and high myopiaFengbin Lin, Zhen Qiu, Fei Li, Yu Chen, Yuying Peng, Meiling Chen, Yunhe Song, Jian Xiong, Weijing Cheng, Yuhong Liu, Mingkui Tan, Xiulan Zhang, Robert Weinreb
10 December 2021
Handheld chromatic pupillometry can accurately and rapidly reveal functional loss in glaucomaRaymond P Najjar, A V Rukmini, Maxwell T Finkelstein, Simon Nusinovici, Baskaran Mani, Monisha Esther Nongpiur, Shamira Perera, Rahat Husain, Tin Aung, Dan Milea
1 December 2021
Prevalence, risk factors and management of ocular hypertension or glaucoma in patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada diseasePeizeng Yang, Chaokui Wang, Guannan Su, Su Pan, Yang Qin, Jun Zhang, Qingfeng Cao, Zhenyu Zhong, Chunjiang Zhou, Yao Wang, Aize Kijlstra
25 November 2021
Safety and performance of a suprachoroidal sensor for telemetric measurement of intraocular pressure in the EYEMATE-SC trialPeter Szurman, Kaweh Mansouri, H. Burkhard Dick, Andre Mermoud, Esther M Hoffmann, Marc Mackert, Robert N Weinreb, Harsha Laxmana Rao, Anna-Maria Seuthe, Arno Haus, Eugen Reifschneider, Annekatrin Rickmann, Philip Wakili, Caroline Emmerich, Caroline HoogmartensSee the full list of authors
12 November 2021
Risk factors for microcystic macular oedema in glaucomaGolnoush Mahmoudinezhad, Diana Salazar, Esteban Morales, Peter Tran, Janet Lee, Jean-Pierre Hubschman, Kouros Nouri-Mahdavi, Joseph Caprioli
5 November 2021